Team Photo Pack


Photo pack envelopes have been placed in team letter boxes for pickup prior to your rostered session. Please complete the envelope and have correct money in sealed envelope for each child. Payments can also be made via eftpos on the day.

Family photos – Parents are to advise photographers upon arrival if they intend on purchasing a sibling photo. Include the names of all children and relevant teams you require in the family photo.

Team Photos


Team photos this year are being done on the Tuesday 5th, Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th June 2018.

Please have your team arrive 10 minutes early and have them in order of height to help keep to the timetable.


Silent Saturday


Northern NSW Football’s Silent Saturday initiative for 2018 will be conducted on Saturday May 26.

The message to all clubs who will be conducting ALDI MiniRoos matches on this day is to encourage all spectators & coaches to “Keep Quiet” and “Just let the kids play”.

This message is especially important to team coaches who have the opportunity to set a great example to their players and the parents by showing that the game is for the players and to refrain from any communication to the referee, instructing referee or game leader.

This initiative covers all ALDI MiniRoos age groups (5-11) with the aim of just letting the kids play and have fun without having to worry about how their performance is affecting the adults on the sidelines.
The objectives of holding a “Silent Saturday” are:

  • To re-emphasise that the game is for the players and allowing the kids to simply play and have fun.
  • To give the players a chance to play, learn and enjoy the game on their own.
  • To completely eliminate the verbal questioning of the referees’ decisions and/or ability.
  • To reaffirm to parents and coaches that players do not need constant direction to enjoy their match

Kids have the right to play without having to hear:

  • “Wake up! Don’t just stand there!”
  • “You have GOT to be kidding me!”
  • “Why do I waste my time coming?”
  • “Watch the game ref”
  • “Kick it ! Kick it !”


Spectators are advised to refrain from making any verbal comments on the game or direct any comments to the players, referees or coaches – on or off the field.

Clapping IS of course allowed and supporters are encouraged to be creative in how they  choose to cheer their child’s team – make signs to hold up, bring a scarf in the team’s colour and wave it wildly, there are lots of ways to cheer other than verbally.

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Referees Wanted


Due to continued enquiries from people wanting to become referees, and in order to try and obtain more match officials for our local branches, NNSW Football are running yet another Level 4 Referee Course.

The details of the course are as follows:

Sunday 3 June 2018

Lake Macquarie Regional Football Facility

Speers Point

9.00am – 5.00pm

Cost – $50.00

Registrations for the course are now open and can be made by clicking on the following link:

If you know or hear of any potential new referees, please encourage them to attend this course. Given that referee registrations close on 30 June 2018, this course is likely to be the last one held locally until the end of the current season.

To undertake this training program you must be at least 13 years of age and have successfully passed the online Laws of the Game within the past two years.

This training program is aimed at match officials officiating in junior and youth matches.

The program consists of theory modules, practical sessions and practical mentoring in matches as a referee and assistant referee.
Upon completion of all components referees will be officially qualified as a Level 4 Referee. The qualification is valid for a period of up to 4 years.


Looking for Sponsors

Belmont FC is currently looking for more sponsors to come on board.

If you own a company or work for a company that would like some recognition within our community or would like to help our club grow, please come forward and join our other sponsors.

To get more information, please contact our committee. Their contact details can be found here:


More Volunteers Needed

Belmont FC runs completely through people giving up some spare time and helping out wherever possible. There are a number of positions within the club that still need to be filled. Some positions can be done from home whilst others require your attendance at the ground.

If you have any time that you can spare, we can find a way for you to help. Please contact the Belmont FC Committee if you are able to help us out and make the club better for the kids and the community.

Please take a look at what positions are available and see what suits you the most. Belmont FC Club Structure

Presentation Day

Whilst it is early in the season and Presentation Day might seem like it is a long way off, we thought that setting the date and advising everyone early would assist teams and families in planning ahead.

The Presentation Day for Belmont FC 2018 is scheduled for Saturday the 22nd September.


Important Information for Coaches and Managers

It is important that Coaches and Managers are registered with the FFA. They must complete the online registraion (free of charge). The registration page can be found here:

In addition to the registration, anyone that has an active role in the running of a Junior team as a Coach, Manager or any kind of Team Official must provide their WWC (Working With Children) number to Belmont FC. You must register online and then go to Service NSW to complete the registration.

The online portion of the Working With Children Check can be done here:

Coaches and Managers Meeting May 16th at 6.30pm


A Coaches and Managers meeting will be held on Wednesday 16th May 2018 at 6.30pm following the defibrillator training at the clubhouse.

Coaches and Managers this is your opportunity to ask questions or raise any concerns that the committee may be able to assist with. Please feel free to provide some feedback for the new committee.

At least one Coach and/or Manager from each team must attend.


Defibrillator Training


Belmont FC have recently been successful in receiving a grant to assist with the purchase of a defibrillator.

Training in the use of the defibrillator will take place at the clubhouse on MAY 16th at 5.30pm until 6.30pm.

All parents are encouraged to attend.

We hope that we will never have to use this device but in the event that it is required the more people that are able to operate it the more chance we have of effectively using this life saving device.

These devices are very automated with step by step by step instructions.